Moisture and Hearing Aids

Moisture and Hearing Aids

When you wear hearing aids, it’s important to protect them from moisture damage. Sweat and other moisture can corrode the internal components of your hearing aids and reduce their performance. As such, it is essential to know what kind of damage moisture can cause and how to prevent it. Here, we will discuss the signs of moisture damage in hearing aids, the most moisture-resistant hearing aids on the market, and what steps should be taken if you suspect your hearing aid has been damaged by moisture.

Can Sweat or Moisture Damage Hearing Aids? 

The short answer is yes; sweat and other forms of moisture can severely damage your hearing aids. The internal components of a hearing aid are delicate pieces of technology that are susceptible to corrosion when exposed to humid environments or direct contact with water or other liquids. When this occurs, it can cause problems like distorted sound quality, feedback, battery issues, and even failure of the device entirely.

How Can I Protect My Hearing Aids from Moisture? 

There are a few things you can do to protect your hearing aids from moisture damage: • Use daily cleaning supplies specifically designed for cleaning electronic devices. These products will help keep dirt and debris away from your hearing aids while also wicking away sweat and other forms of moisture buildup. • Invest in waterproof covers that fit over your hearing aids when not in use. This will provide an extra layer of protection against accidental spills or immersion in water due to swimming or showers. • Make sure you store your hearing aids in a dry place when not being worn; keeping them in a cool area helps minimize the risk of corrosion due to humidity buildup.

Signs Of Moisture Damage In Hearing Aids

If you suspect that your hearing aid has been damaged due to exposure to sweat or other forms of moisture, there are a few signs you should look out for: • Distorted sound quality—if the audio coming through your device sounds muffled or distorted, this could be an indication that something is wrong with its internal components due to excessive exposure to sweat or humidity. 

  • Battery drain—if you notice that your batteries are draining more quickly than usual, this could be a sign that there is some form of corrosion inside the device due to sweat or humidity buildup inside its circuitry. 
  • Physical changes—if there is any visible discoloration on parts of the device or if any part appears swollen (due to liquid seeping into its interior), then it’s likely that the device has been damaged by exposure to sweat or humidity and needs servicing immediately.

What Are The Most Moisture-Resistant Hearing Aids? 

There are several types of hearing aid models available on the market today that are designed specifically with resistance against sweat and other forms of moisture buildup in mind: 

  • Waterproof models – these devices are designed with special seals around their external components which makes them resistant up against both splashes and complete submersion in water for brief periods without any ill effects. The most recent waterproof model launched is the Phonak Audeo Life model. 
  • Rechargeable models – these devices typically have sealed components as well as built-in temperature sensors which detect high levels of heat build-up inside their circuitry caused by excessive exposure to sweat; they will shut down automatically if such conditions arise during use so as not too allow further damage due too overheating within their interior components.

Protect and Enjoy Better Performance

Moisture is one of the leading causes of damage for hearing aid users worldwide; however, with proper precautions taken – such as using daily cleaning supplies designed specifically for hearing aids – along with investing in waterproof covers (if necessary) and storing them in dry areas between uses – users should be able to enjoy years of uninterrupted service from their devices without having too worry about potential damage occurring during everyday use. Taking all these steps into consideration will ensure users get maximum performance out of their devices while minimizing chances for unnecessary/expensive repairs down the line!

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Reviewed by
Dr. David DeKriek
Audiologist & Founder
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David DeKriek, Au.D. has been helping the hearing impaired of Los Angeles County to hear better for more than 20 years. Dr. Dekriek gained experience in a wide range of medical environments before opening Fidelity Hearing Center.

Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. David DeKriek
Audiologist & Founder
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David DeKriek, Au.D. has been helping the hearing impaired of Los Angeles County to hear better for more than 20 years. Dr. Dekriek gained experience in a wide range of medical environments before opening Fidelity Hearing Center.

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